[Germanic] How to say: "Of course!"

Here are the many words which say that something follows the expected course of events, with the Germanic equivalents.

"This is so obvious that it presents itself."
  • English
    • self-evident
    • "Your enthusiasm is self-evident."
  •  German
    • selbstverständlich (self-understandable)
    • "Will you repair that?" "Ja,  selbstverständlich."
  • Danish
    • selvfølgelig (self-following)
    • "May I have a drink?" "Ja, selvfølgelig!"
  • Norwegian
    • selvfølgelig (self-following)
  • Swedish
    • självklart (self-clear)
"This is natural."
  • English
    • naturally
    • "Did you take some photos?" "Naturally."
  • Dutch
    • natuurlijk
  • German
    • natürlich
  • Danish
    • naturligvis
  • Swedish
    • naturligtvis

"This request is 'of the ordinary course' of events"
  •  English
    • of course
    • "May I have a drink?" "Of course!"
  • There are no Germanic equivalents. The word "course" itself comes from Latin, via Old French.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this article.
