
Werdhom word conservation score = ★

English: a back, the back
Icelandic: bak, bakið
Proto-Germanic: baką

English: ridge (the back of an animal, an extended protuberance)
Dutch: een rug, de rug
German: ein Rücken, der Rücken
Danish: en ryg, den ryg
Norwegian: en rygg, ryggen
Swedish: en rygg, ryggen
Proto-Germanic: hrugjaz

Spanish: una espalda, la espalda
Romanian: un spate, spatele
Latin: spatula, spatulae

French: un dos, le dos
Latin: dorsum, dorsī

Portuguese: costas

Latin: costa, costae

Italian: una schiena, la schiena
Proto-Germanic: skinō

Note: The underlined languages have been reconstructed by comparative linguistic researchers. The word may be inaccurate, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
