
English: a body, the body
From Proto-Germanic: bodag

English: a lich, the lich (dead body, archaic)
Dutch:  een lichaam, het lichaam
German: eine Leiche, die Leiche (dead body)
Danish: et lig, liget (dead body)
Norwegian: et lik, liket (dead body)
Swedish: ett lik, liket (dead body) 
Icelandic: lík, líkið (dead body)
From Proto-Germanic: līkahamô

German: ein Körper, der Körper
Danish:  en krop, kroppen
Norwegian: en kropp, kroppen
Swedish: en kropp, kroppen
From Proto-Germanic: kruppaz

English: a corpse, the corpse (dead body)
French: un corps, le corps
Spanish: un cuerpo, el cuerpo
Portuguese: um corpo, o corpo
Italian: un corpo, il corpo
Romanian: un corp, corpul
From Latin: corpus, corporis

From Proto-Indo-European: krep-

Werdhom word conservation score = ★★★

Note: The underlined languages have been reconstructed by comparative linguistic researchers. The word may be inaccurate, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
