
Werdhom word conservation score = ★★★

English: eye
Dutch: het oog
German: das Auge
Danish: øjet
Norwegian: øyet, auget
Swedish: ögat
Icelandic: augað
Proto-Germanic: augô

French: l'œil
Spanish: el ojo
Portuguese: o olho
Italian: l'occhio
Romanian: ochiul
Latin: oculus, oculī

Polish: oko
Bulgarian: око (oko)
Proto-Slavic: ȍko

Russian: глаз (glaz)
Proto-Slavic: glazъ (ball)

Lithuanian: akis
Latvian: acis
Proto-Balto-Slavic: ak-

Proto-Indo-European: h₃ókʷ-, h₃ekʷ-

Note: the underlined languages have been reconstructed by academics, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
