
English: a joint, the joint
 From Latin: iūnctus, iūncta, iūnctum

Dutch:  een gewricht, het gewricht

German: ein Gelenk, das Gelenk
Danish: et ledd, leddet
Norwegian: et ledd, leddet
Swedish: en led, leden
From Proto-Germanic: liþuz

English: an articulation, the articulation
French: une articulation, l'articulation
Spanish: una articulación, la articulación
Portuguese: uma articulação, a articulação
Italian: un'articolazione, l'articolazione
Romanian: o articulație, articulația
From Latin: articulus, articulī

English: arthro- (involving joints)
From Ancient Greek: ἄρθρον (árthron)

Note: The underlined languages have been reconstructed by comparative linguistic researchers. The word may be inaccurate, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
