Dutch: een long, de longen
German: eine Lunge, die Lunge
Danish: en lunge, lungerne
Norwegian: en lunge, lungene
Swedish: en lunga, lungorna
Icelandic: lunga, lungun
Proto-Germanic: lunganjō Icelandic: lunga, lungun
English: pulmonary (involving lungs)
French: un poumon, les poumons
French: un poumon, les poumons
Spanish: un pulmón, los pulmones
Portuguese: um pulmão, os pulmões
Italian: un polmone, i polmoni
Romanian: un plămân, plămânii
Latin: pulmō, pulmōnisRomanian: un plămân, plămânii
Note: The underlined languages have been reconstructed by comparative linguistic researchers. The word may be inaccurate, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
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