
Werdhom word conservation score = ★★★★

English: a tongue, the tongue
Dutch: een tong, de tong
German: eine Zunge, die Zunge
Danish: en tunge, tungen
Norwegian: en tunge, tungen
Swedish: en tunga, tungan
Icelandic: tunga, tungan
From Proto-Germanic: tungǭ

French: une langue, la langue
Spanish: una lengua, la lengua
Portuguese: uma língua, a língua
Italian: una lingua, la lingua
Romanian: o limbă, limba 

From Latin: lingua, linguae

Polish: język
Russian: язык (yazyk)
Bulgarian: език (ezik)
From Proto-Slavic: ęzỳkъ

Lithuanian: liežuvis, liežuvis

From Proto-Indo-European: dn̥ǵʰwéh₂s

Note: The underlined languages have been reconstructed by comparative linguistic researchers. The word may be inaccurate, as there is no archaeological record of the language at that time.
