York and subsequently, New York
- eburos = yew tree
- -akon = the place of
- Celtic era : Eburākon
- Roman era: Eboracum
- Anglo-Saxon era: Eoforwic
- Danish era: Jórvík
- Middle ages: Everwic, Yerk, Yourke
- Likely meaning: The city was founded at a place of many yew trees.
- plowonida = a fast flowing river
- Celtic era: Londinion
- Roman era: Londinium
- Berl- (Slavic origin) : swamp
- bjarg = cliff
- vin = pasture, meadow
- Bjǫrgvin
- Likely meaning: The city was founded in a meadow on a cliff.
Prague (Praha)
- Práh = ford, rapid
- Likely meaning: The city was founded at a crossing point of the Vltava river).
Moscow (Москва, Moskva)
- Named after the River Moskva
- *mŭzg- = wet
- Likely meaning: The city was founded on wetlands along the Moskva river.
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