The Austronesian languages

Primary Language Family

  • This is a family of 1256 languages. It is the 2nd largest language family by number of distinct related languages.
  • There are about 386 million native speakers. It is the 5th largest language family by number of native speakers.
  • Speakers can be found in Mainland Southeast Asia, Oceania, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Andaman archipelago, Hainan and Madagascar. 
  • Includes:
    • Malay
    • Javanese
    • Tagalog / Filipino 
    • Malagasy
    • Tetum
    • Fijian
    • Māori 

The modern flag of The Philippines

The modern flag of Madagascar

The modern flag of Timor-Leste

The modern flag of Fiji

The modern flag of New Zealand
